Demon’s Souls Reviews


Demon’s Souls Reviews

Demon’s Souls Reviews: Demon’s Souls has challenging gameplay that’s worth trying. It’s also one of the best-looking PS5 games, with spooky fog, cool lighting, great level design, and beautiful colours. Despite being tough and dark, it shows moments of beauty, sadness, and even some humour. If you’re ready for it, Demon’s Souls can be one of the most rewarding games of 2020 and a great start for the new console.

From the start, the demon’s soul has one clear message: You will die. No matter how careful or skilled you are, death is inevitable. This is hard to accept because, in most video games, dying means failing. We’re taught to avoid it; when it happens, it feels like we’ve lost.

In Demon’s Souls, death is even tougher to handle. When you die, you lose all the souls you’ve collected from killing monsters. Souls are the game’s currency, used to level up your character and upgrade weapons. You need as many as you can get to progress in the game.

You can get your souls back if you return to where you died, but if you die again before getting there, they’re gone forever. The frustration of losing your soul can be overwhelming.

Demon’s Souls Reviews: Gameplay

Demon’s Souls is a 2020 action role-playing game developed by Japan Studio and Bluepoint Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 5. It was released as a launch title for the PS5 in November and is a remake of the 2009 game originally developed by From Software for the PlayStation 3.

The game established the formula that the Souls series is known for. In Demon’s Souls, you create a character and explore a decaying fantasy kingdom. Defeating enemies earns you “Souls,” which are used to level up, buy gear, and upgrade weapons.

The combat system is straightforward, with each weapon offering light and heavy attacks. You can wield weapons with one or two hands, and your choice of armour and shields affects your defence and mobility. Players can also learn spells to either attack enemies or boost their own abilities. With many ways to play, the game feels both intuitive and precise.

Combat in Demon’s Souls mainly focuses on melee fighting, though ranged weapons and spells are also crucial. Your starting character class significantly impacts your strengths and weaknesses. Each class comes with its own base stats and traits: a Knight wears heavy armour for protection but moves slowly, while a Thief is fast and agile but more vulnerable to deadly attacks.

This detailed level of customization requires a careful approach to each encounter, making every player’s experience unique. The challenges are consistent, but the freedom to choose your strategy is where the game shines. Finding the best setup for your playstyle is essential, but there’s no definitive right or wrong choice.

Demon’s Souls Reviews: Storyline

The game is set in the kingdom of Boletaria, ruled by the ageing King Allant XII, who becomes the game’s main antagonist. Driven by greed, King Allant performed a dark ritual to channel the power of souls, bringing great prosperity to Boletaria. However, this act unleashed the “Deep Fog,” isolating the kingdom from the outside world.

Neighbouring kingdoms sent scouts to investigate, but none returned. Vallarfax of the Twin Fangs managed to escape the fog and warn the rest of the world about Boletaria’s plight. Through his rituals, King Allant had awakened the Old One, a powerful demon beneath the Nexus. This awakening brought forth demons within the fog, which feasted on human souls, driving the soulless survivors insane and violent. The fog began to spread beyond Boletaria, threatening the world.

The Maiden in Black calls to the Old One. Many brave warriors attempted to penetrate the fog to save Boletaria, while others sought to harness the power of demon souls. All were lost to the fog. The player takes on the role of one such warrior who breaches the fog and enters the lost kingdom.

After battling the Vanguard demon in the palace botanical gardens, the hero is killed by the Dragon God, a massive dragon demon. The hero, now in soul form, awakens in the Nexus. The Maiden in Black, a mysterious blind figure, gives the hero the quest to travel through Boletaria, defeat the demons, and collect their souls to gain power and ultimately free the kingdom from the Old One.


The hero ventures through key locations in Boletaria, including the Boletarian Palace, Stonefang Tunnel, Tower of Latria, Shrine of Storms, and Valley of Defilement, encountering and defeating powerful demons in each area. Along the way, they meet the few remaining significant figures of Boletaria.

After collecting all the demon souls and defeating the Arch Demons, the Maiden in Black leads the hero to the Old One. She summons the Old One, who invites the hero inside, where they confront the deformed King Allant XII. In the final battle, Allant argues that the Old One is mercifully ending humanity’s suffering. Upon his defeat, Allant warns the hero with his last words: “You fool. Don’t you understand? No one wishes to go on.”

In the end, the hero faces a final choice: to slay or walk away from the Maiden in Black. If the hero walks away, they resist the temptation of the souls, lifting the fog as the Maiden departs with the Old One into slumber, saving Boletaria and the world. If the hero kills the Maiden in Black, they succumb to the lust for power, condemning the world and ruling alongside the Old One.

King Allant the Twelfth used the power of souls to bring great prosperity to his northern kingdom of Boletaria. However, this prosperity was short-lived as a colourless Deep Fog enveloped the land. Boletaria was isolated from the world, and those who ventured into the fog never came back.

Vallarfax of the Twin Fangs managed to escape and spread the word of Boletaria’s plight. He revealed that King Allant had awakened the Old One, a powerful beast beneath the Nexus. This act unleashed demons upon the land, which claimed the souls of men and drove them mad. The insane attacked the sane, plunging Boletaria into chaos.

Vallarfax spoke of the enticing power of demon souls. Each time a demon takes a human soul, the demon’s power grows. The strength of a mature demon soul is beyond human comprehension. This legend quickly spread, drawing mighty warriors to Boletaria, but none have returned. Among them were Biorr of the Twin Fangs, Yurt the Silent Chief, Sage Urbain, Scirvir the Wanderer, the Sixth Saint Astraea and her knight Garl Vinland, and Sage Freke the Visionary.

The Deep Fog continues to spread, threatening to engulf the world and lead humanity to extinction. Yet, there is one last hope: a lone warrior who has braved the deadly fog. Will this warrior be the saviour Boletaria needs, or will they become another victim of the demons?


The Demon’s Souls PS5 remake is renowned for its breathtaking graphics, setting a new standard for visual fidelity in next-gen gaming. The game features highly detailed environments, realistic lighting, and intricate textures that bring the dark, atmospheric world of Boletaria to life. The eerie fog, dynamic shadows, and reflections create a sense of depth and immersion, enhancing the overall experience.

Character models are meticulously crafted, showcasing intricate armour designs and lifelike animations. The visual effects during combat, such as spell casting and weapon impacts, are striking and add to the intensity of the gameplay. The remake also takes advantage of the PS5’s hardware capabilities, including faster load times and 4K resolution, to deliver a seamless and visually stunning adventure.

Overall, the graphical enhancements in the Demon’s Souls remake contribute significantly to the game’s immersive and captivating experience, making it a standout title on the PlayStation 5.

Demon’s Souls Reviews: Customization

The Demon’s Souls PS5 remake offers extensive character customization, allowing players to create a unique protagonist tailored to their preferences. The customization options are detailed and varied, providing a deep level of personalization. Here are the key aspects of customization in Demon’s Souls:

Character Creation:

Appearance: Players can customize their character’s facial features, hairstyle, skin tone, and body type. The creation system offers a wide range of sliders and options to fine-tune the character’s look.

Gender and Build: Players can choose the gender and build of their character, with options to adjust muscularity, height, and other physical attributes.

Class Selection:

Starting Classes: The game offers several starting classes, each with its own set of base stats, equipment, and abilities. Examples include the Knight, Thief, Magician, and Barbarian. The chosen class influences the character’s initial playstyle but does not limit future growth and customization.

Attributes: Each class comes with specific attribute points distributed among various stats such as Strength, Dexterity, Magic, and Endurance. These attributes can be further developed as the character levels up.

Equipment and Gear:

Weapons and Armor: Players can equip different weapons, shields, and armour sets, each with unique stats and effects. Weapons have light and heavy attacks, and some can be dual-wielded.

Upgrades: Weapons and armour can be upgraded and customized using materials found throughout the game. This enhances their effectiveness and allows players to tailor their gear to their preferred playstyle.

Magic and Miracles:

Spells: Players can learn and equip a variety of spells, ranging from offensive magic attacks to defensive and healing spells. The choice of spells allows for diverse combat strategies.

Miracles: In addition to magic, players can learn miracles, which are holy spells providing various buffs and support abilities.

Levelling Up: As players defeat enemies and collect souls, they can level up their character by increasing various attributes. This allows for further customization and specialization, enabling players to develop a character that suits their preferred style of play.

Overall, the customization options in Demon’s Souls allow players to create a unique character and tailor their experience to their liking, offering a rich and personalized gameplay experience.


Demon’s Souls is available on PlayStation for $69.99. This price reflects its status as a high-quality, next-gen title with extensive graphical enhancements and gameplay improvements over the original. Sales and discounts may occasionally lower the price, so it’s worth checking with different retailers for the best deals.


Product Name Demon’s Souls
Price $69.99
Released Date November 19, 2020
Platform PlayStation 5
Colour N/A
Modes Single Player and Multiple Player
Rating 13.7k



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