Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review


Dragon's Dogma 2 Review

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review: Dragon’s Dogma 2 offers an epic journey, demanding significant effort and time from players while rewarding them with immense satisfaction. Capcom has crafted a game that defies genre conventions with innovative and deliberate design choices, reimagining what an RPG can be. It feels like a perfected version of the 2012 original, not just a sequel but a refined second attempt that surpasses expectations.

As the Arisen, the player’s role is that of a ‘chosen one,’ leading emotionless pawns who obey every command. This narrative sets the stage for a 50+ hour adventure where traditional concepts are both embraced and cleverly subverted. The game boasts a compelling story, a stunning open world, and an impressive physics engine, consistently surprising players with its ambitious scope and execution.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review: Gameplay

Naturally, as an action RPG from Capcom’s Hideaki Itsuno (Devil May Cry), the combat in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a standout feature. After navigating the detailed character creator and surviving an opening scenario in a mine overrun by Medusa, players are launched into an open world and left to their own devices.

Unlike many modern games that emphasize dodge rolls and invincibility frames, Dragon’s Dogma 2’s combat system punishes players for every hit they take. This unforgiving approach prioritizes tactics over reflexes, rewarding those who adapt, prepare, and remain cautious.

Sustaining damage reduces maximum health, depleting stamina leaves your character winded, and status effects are genuinely impactful. Strategic thinking is essential, and this is where the game excels.

The environment plays a significant role in combat. Players can hurl boulders at enemies, use breakable dams and bridges as traps, and operate siege ballistas against formidable foes. The vast open world is filled with intricate details, making environmental awareness crucial.

One memorable feat involved breaking a leaking wall to unleash a torrent of water, washing away a cave full of saurians. Such moments highlight the game’s depth and encourage players to share their unique experiences on social media.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review: Storyline

Dragon’s Dogma 2 puts you in the familiar role of the Arisen, a chosen hero destined to defeat the Dragon and end the perpetual conflict plaguing the world. This journey is far from straightforward, starting with the detailed character creation process. The game’s character creator is one of the most comprehensive, offering a plethora of options to adjust facial features, body types, hairstyles, skin tones, and muscle definitions.

Character creation extends beyond appearance. Your character’s height and weight influence movement speed and carrying capacity. Additionally, the game introduces the Beastren, a feline-like race that alters quest options and NPC interactions if chosen. This level of customization and detail is a hallmark of Dragon’s Dogma 2’s systems.

As the Arisen, you lead a party of AI-controlled Pawns. You create a Main Pawn and can recruit up to two support Pawns from other players. The Pawn system is ingenious, as their knowledge and experience from other players’ games can guide you. A Pawn familiar with a cave or quest can provide crucial information when recruited, making them valuable allies.

Navigating the world of Dragon’s Dogma 2 often requires such guidance. Quest logs typically offer minimal information, and quest markers are absent unless a Pawn knows the destination. Support Pawns don’t level up, so rotating them regularly is beneficial. Pawns in this sequel are smarter, responding better to combat and exploration challenges, though they still have quirks, like struggling to avoid enemy attacks, particularly from harpies.

The game starts with four basic vocations: Fighter, Thief, Archer, and Mage. Fighters use swords and shields for defense and support, Thieves are fast but fragile, Archers control battles from afar, and Mages cast powerful spells and provide healing.

As you progress, more vocations become available, including the new Mystic Spearhand. Described by Capcom as “the Devil May Cry class,” this vocation uses versatile projectiles to slow or stun enemies, teleport for combos, and deliver counterattacks. Despite its lack of dodge abilities, it offers a unique and challenging playstyle.


Dragon’s Dogma 2 showcases impressive graphics that significantly enhance the gaming experience. The game’s visual fidelity stands out with its richly detailed environments, realistic character models, and fluid animations.

The open world is filled with diverse landscapes, from lush forests to towering mountains, each rendered with meticulous attention to detail. Dynamic lighting and weather effects add depth and realism, creating an immersive atmosphere that changes with the time of day and weather conditions.

The character designs are equally impressive, with a high level of detail in textures and expressions. The game’s robust character creator allows players to craft unique avatars with an astonishing degree of customization, further adding to the visual appeal.

The graphics engine handles large-scale battles and intricate environmental interactions smoothly, ensuring that even the most intense action sequences are visually stunning and free from lag.

Overall, Dragon’s Dogma 2’s graphics not only push the boundaries of the RPG genre but also set a new standard for visual excellence in video games.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review: Customization

In Dragon’s Dogma, character customization is a detailed and flexible process that allows players to create a unique character to suit their personal preferences. Here’s a guide to the customization options available:

Basic Attributes

  • Gender: Choose between male and female.
  • Physique: Customize the character’s height, weight, muscle definition, and overall build. This includes specific body parts such as chest, waist, arms, and legs.
  • Face: Select from various presets and further adjust facial features such as the shape of the eyes, nose, mouth, jawline, and cheeks.
  • Hair: Choose the hairstyle and hair colour. Facial hair options and eyebrow shapes are also available.
  • Voice: Select from different voice types to fit your character’s appearance and personality.

Advanced Features

  • Age: Adjust the character’s age, which affects their physical appearance.
  • Complexion: Customize skin tone and texture.
  • Scars and Tattoos: Add scars, tattoos, and other markings to give your character a distinctive look.
  • Cosmetics: Apply makeup options such as eyeshadow, lipstick, and blush to enhance the character’s facial features.
  1. Classes and Vocations
  • Initial Class: Choose from Fighter, Strider, or Mage. Your initial choice affects your starting abilities and equipment.
  • Advanced and Hybrid Vocations: As you progress, you can switch to advanced vocations like Warrior, Ranger, and Sorcerer or hybrid vocations like Mystic Knight, Assassin, and Magic Archer. Each vocation has unique skills and playstyles.

Pawn Customization

In addition to creating your main character, you also create a primary pawn, an AI-controlled companion. The customization options for pawns are as detailed as for the main character, allowing you to create a complementary team member.

Equipment and Appearance

  • Armour and Weapons: Equip your character with various armour pieces and weapons, each with unique stats and appearances. Armour sets often provide visual cohesion, while mixing and matching can create a unique look.
  • Color and Style: Many equipment pieces can be dyed different colors, allowing further personalization of your character’s appearance.

Gameplay Impact

Physical Traits: Height and weight affect gameplay. For instance, a taller character may have a longer reach, while a lighter character might consume less stamina when climbing enemies.

Class Synergy: Your character’s build can complement their chosen class. For example, a muscular build suits a warrior, while a lean build fits a rogue.

By exploring the extensive customization options in Dragon’s Dogma, you can create a character and a companion that truly reflects your style and enhances your gaming experience.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review: Price

The price of “Dragon’s Dogma” can vary based on the platform, edition, and current promotions. It cost $29.99 on the PlayStation store.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review: Specs

Product Name Dragon’s Dogma
Price $69.99
Released Date May 22, 2012
Platform PlayStation 3, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4
Colour N/A
Modes Single Player
Rating 13.7k



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