What Should I Upgrade in my PC


What Should I Upgrade in my PC

If your computer feels slow and can’t do things quickly enough, like playing new games or doing many things simultaneously, it might be time to improve it. You don’t have to get a whole new computer.

Instead, you can make it faster by changing some parts inside. This is called upgrading your PC. So, you may ask, What should I upgrade on my PC? There are many things to upgrade in your personal computer for better performance.

One important change you can make is adding more memory. This helps your computer do things faster because it can remember more stuff at once. It’s like giving your computer a bigger brain to work with.

Make Your Computer Faster by Adding More Memory

Making your computer faster doesn’t always mean buying a new one. You can make it faster by adding more memory. Memory, also known as RAM, is like your computer’s short-term memory. The more memory your computer has, the more it can do at once without slowing down.

Adding more RAM or upgrading to faster RAM is a good way to speed up your computer without spending too much money. It’s beneficial for playing games, making videos or music, and doing many things at the same time.

If your computer is slow, freezes often, or takes a long time to switch between programs, adding more RAM might solve the problem. Whether you’re editing pictures, playing games, or working on documents, having enough RAM can make everything run smoother.

Adding more RAM is easy for desktop computers. You need to insert more memory sticks into your computer’s motherboard. Laptops can sometimes have their RAM upgraded, too, but it depends on the model.

You can check your computer’s settings if you’re unsure how much RAM you have. Here are some general tips:

  • For basic tasks like browsing the internet and emailing, you need at least 4GB of RAM.
  • If you play games or work with photos and videos, aim for 8GB of RAM.
  • For demanding tasks like high-end gaming or professional video editing, you’ll want 16GB or more.

Upgrade your Graphics Card

If you’re into gaming or creating videos and animations, upgrading your graphics card can make a big difference. Graphics cards are like supercharged engines for your computer, especially if you’re into gaming or making cool visual stuff.

Now, this upgrade can be a bit pricey, so it’s important to think about whether you need it. Some computers come with decent graphics cards that are already built-in, which work fine for everyday tasks like watching videos or browsing the web. But if you’re serious about gaming or creating high-quality videos, a better graphics card can level up your experience.

For gamers, a new graphics card means you can play the latest games with all the fancy graphics settings turned up to the max. And if you’re into video editing or 3D design, a better graphics card will help those programs run smoother and faster.

So, if you’ve been struggling to run your favourite games smoothly or your video editing software is lagging, it might be time to consider upgrading your graphics card.

Increase Your Computer’s Speed with a Faster Storage Device

If your computer is feeling sluggish or you’re running out of storage space, upgrading to a faster storage drive can make a big difference. Whether you’re dealing with slow performance or need more room for your files, this upgrade is worth considering.

The benefits of upgrading your storage drive depend on what you already have, but replacing a slow hard disk drive (HDD) with a solid-state drive (SSD) or adding a larger and faster drive will almost always improve performance.

If your computer currently uses an HDD, switching to an SSD can significantly speed up your system. SSDs are much faster than HDDs, which means shorter load times for Windows, apps, and games, as well as smoother performance in tasks like photo and video editing.

Even if you already have an SSD, upgrading to a faster type like an N2 NVMe can further boost your overall performance, although not as dramatically as switching from an HDD to an SSD.

For the best performance, it’s important to install your operating system on your fastest drive. If you have both an old HDD and a new SSD, make sure your operating system is installed on the SSD to see the most substantial improvements.

A smart way to save money is to use an SSD for your operating system, games, and apps that need quick access to data while storing larger files like media on a slower drive. Hybrid drives, which combine the speed of an SSD with the storage capacity of an HDD, offer another cost-effective option if you can’t afford a large SSD.

Consider Upgrading Your Processor

Upgrading your processor can make a big difference in how fast your computer runs, but it’s not always easy or cheap. It can be more challenging and costly than adding more memory or changing your storage drive.

Before upgrading, check if your motherboard supports a more powerful processor. Not all motherboards can handle a processor upgrade, so you’ll need to find out what chipset your motherboard has and see if it’s compatible with the new processor you want.

If your motherboard can’t support a better processor, then upgrading means getting a new motherboard too. This is a complex task because you’ll likely need to swap out other components like your RAM and storage drives. It’s a big job that requires careful planning and skill.

Before you upgrade your processor, weigh the costs and benefits. Is the performance boost worth the investment? Do your research and compare different processors to find the best option for your needs.

Stay Updated with Your Software

While upgrading to newer software versions, like upgrading from an old Windows to a new Windows, might not always speed up your computer, it’s still important to keep your existing software up to date. Even if updates don’t directly boost performance, they often include bug fixes and other improvements that can help maintain or enhance your computer’s speed.

If you’ve noticed your computer slowing down over time, check for updates for your operating system, apps, and utilities. These updates can help keep everything running smoothly and efficiently. Plus, if you’re still using Windows 10, there are ways to optimize it for better performance without upgrading to a newer version.

What other part of my PC can I upgrade?

Other than the major upgrades like memory, graphics card, storage, and processor, there are several other components you can tweak or add to your PC. However, not all of them will directly impact your computer’s performance.

For instance, upgrading your motherboard can open up opportunities for more expansion slots and accommodate a more powerful processor, but it won’t necessarily make your computer faster on its own.

If you’re considering other upgrades, think about how you use your PC and what improvements you’re after. Here are a few ideas:

  • If you need more connections for your devices, adding an expansion card with extra USB 3.0 ports can be handy.
  • Upgrading your monitor, especially if you’re a gamer or artist, can enhance your visual experience.
  • Installing new speakers or a subwoofer can improve your sound quality, especially if you’re into music.


Upgrading your PC when needed is a better way to improve its performance to your desired taste. Remember that some upgrades are costly, while others are less costly, so you must pick according to your budget.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How often do you need to upgrade your PC?

You don’t need to upgrade your PC frequently. Before upgrading your computer ask yourself does my PC still do everything, I need it to do without any difficulty? If you answer yes, you don’t need to upgrade your PC.

How do you know when you need to upgrade your PC?

There are different reasons people upgrade their PCs. However, there are more important reasons that will require you to upgrade your PC, such as;

  • When your computer cannot run apps and games that you want.
  • Your computer is running very slow.
  • It doesn’t have the features that you want.
  • Your PC security feature is out of date.

What is the best thing to upgrade in a PC?

There are some important parts of your computer that you can upgrade for better performance which include RAM, storage, Graphics card, and Processor.

How do I know what I need to upgrade on my PC?

This depends on the problem that your computer is having. When you notice that your storage drive is nearly full and your PC is becoming slow, you should upgrade it.

What do I upgrade on my PC to get more FPS?

You can install an in-game FPS counter, upgrade your graphics card, upgrade your SSD, upgrade your RAM, etc.


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